Sunday, April 17, 2005

How stupid is this?

When I read this article, I was so flabbergasted. I was thinking- what is the world coming to? What next would they do? There is a BirthControl bill in Congress in that if it passes, the pharamcists can refuse to give the pills, as long as there is a co-worker who can still give the prescriptions. (Think it this way- if the pharmacist refused, the assistant or co-pharmacist can still give the pills to the woman who needs the prescription.) The excuse of the pharmacist is that many pharmacists consider birth control pills as a way to ABORTION. That is the most stupid thing I have ever seen. The pills are there to help women FROM getting pregnant in first place, so how the hell could it occur anyway? It is also good for controlling acne, controlling hormones, and painful cramps among many women. I have a friend who is so thankful for the birth control pills because without it, she'd bleed for 10 days and have very painful cramps that she couldn't even get out of the house, and get this..she is NOT sexually active. Pharamcaists should keep their opinions SEPERATE from their job- Be professional, damn it! I'm just glad that Congress is working on this bill to protect women's right to birth control. Gods know we have too many children there are...and a lot of children are being abused, neglected, and ignored. More than half of the percentage of the homeless here in Denver is children. Shocking, isn't it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I am with you on this one... On other side, I am afraid that more bills we are seeing in the Congress, more complicated it can get....such as making it a murder to kill unborn fetus which can complicate the Roe vs. Wade. *sigh*
