Monday, August 22, 2005


I watched History Channel, "Decoding the Past" tonight, and it was very interesting in how there were perceptions from a variety of people about Revelations (if you don't know what it is, it's predictions of what'd happen at the end of the world, Jesus Christ's return, bad folks going to Hell, the good folks go to Heaven, the God's final judgment, all that hocus pocus. Decoding The Past An interesting thing that I have observed is..... Christianity has all this predictions of "Final judgement" while Judiasm and Islam don't. That makes me go "hmm.. Judaism is the first religion, and the Islam is the third/final religion in all judeo-christian line.

They talked about natural disasters getting worse, of course... we're polluting the world, the HUMANKIND, not we gotta take credit for THAT, not God. If you want to see improvement..simple- stop driving. :-D Stop polluting. Stop using up stuff.. Start recycling.. Use birth control!

The volcanos? Please..... ::rolling eyes:: That's the natural growth of Earth, don't you know that she is YOUNGER than most planets? She is...let us say..a teenager with zits and of course zits need to be popped now and then.

The battles everywhere.. huh? What about Vietnam? The Cold War? WW2? Crusades? The European wars/battles all that centuries? Folks said those were the days of judgement and final days of Christianity and they were proved wrong and we will be proved wrong in this as well. It's researched that a lot of revelations were related to the Roman kingdom and that it was promised that the roman rule will be over with and that bad folks will suffer.. Well... Roman rule had been over for what 1700 years? I'd say that Catholic christianity is already ruling Rome and that...:::bating a breath::: ever think that the Armageddon was already here and that no one noticed it? That'd be a good joke.

The viruses going wild.. waitaminute... if folks think viruses are this bad---they weren't there when influenza, smallpox, yellow fever, black plague, anthrax, all that...these have been here for centuries, it was only RECENTLY that we got smallpox, and yellow fever in control... of course we will find more viruses as more we explore hidden areas of Earth, not yet found by humans... :::nodding::that's how they theorize about the Ebola virus, you know! Same for HIV/AIDS. So don't blame this on gay community- the first guy who died in 1959 from complications with AIDS, wasn't even gay. :P Check, please!

The meteor going to hit the world- well, it won't be the first or even second time that it'd happen. (shrug) There are evidence that meteors had hit Earth in the long past, and we're overdue for it anyway. What do one call that? EVOLUTION. You know that's where the story comes from..The chicken Little crying "The sky is falling!"

So............ Do you know how WHAT would happen? Oh I can't wait to say it!! Should I? Hmm..I don't know..I don't want to stun you all.. Should I? No... Hmmm.. I don't know.. :;putting a fingernail to teeth::: Ymmm.. If I don't tell you, you'd all kill me.. but's delicious.. All right, all right all right!! I'll tell! I'll tell. It's a little bang. That's all. We'd be all gone from Earth by the time Earth dies- humankind probably would have been on other worlds, very evoluted to the point that if we meet a descendent of 3000's, we won't recognize him for a human being. It's researched that longer we live, more taller we become. More we eat healthier food, longer our bones become. More we learn, more our brains get bigger. So...what does that sound like? We'll become E.Ts ourselves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*grin* It is sort of entertainment to me to see how people come up with all of sort of theories. I just found it fantastic to me most of time to try understanding how these people came up such like that....I just shrug and say, ok....

I loved your last paragraph. Yes, we continue to are the animals, plants, climates and etc. It is part of Darwanian theory - a valid ones.