Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Dawn re-edited
Thanx to Simona, this is in a better shape!!!! This is what I fell in love with!!! The wild weds with heaven, angel marries the pagan. This is done by Joseph Linsner. He is a wonderous artist- he really SEES into folks' hearts and expose them...:)

Friday, September 23, 2005

New Orleans

Well- what do you know? New Orleans is flooded again. That is not really surprising because New Orleans had been flooded before many times for three centuries and this is not the first time. The difference is that it is the access of communication all over the nation that reacts to the flooding, not the locals of New Orleans alone. Camilla was pretty bad but expected as well, as the Galveston hurricane back in 1902(correct me if I'm wrong.) It's the human nature that reacts to the natural "disasters" and chooses how to interpret everything. Humans have lived through so many disasters for thousands of years, and they survived. It is only recent that the humans think they are gods and can modify the environment, the surroundings, the science, the medicine, the body, and heck, everything. THAT's when Nature decides to slap them with a cream pie to wake them to the fact that they are not powerful as they like to think. Mind you, I -love- New Orleans; I love its history, its people, its foods, its magic. It's New Orleans that teaches us how to enjoy life short as it may be and it is New Orleans that taught us that we can rebuild as they did after several floodings and a great fire in late 1700's. Big Easy tells us that she may be knocked around but she ain't down!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Crisis Intervention

I didn't expect to find that in an article online. Deaf Survivors Blog - Where are you? Under "Interpreter updates on deaf survivors" article. An interpreter, Teri Vaughn talked about the deaf evacuees staying in Houston, and asked for donations. I wanted to know EVERYTHING what was needed, and I contacted everyone I could think of, and even had Coloradodeaf.com send out an email. I couldn't SIT on my butt and do nothing..I WANTED to do something for the deaf evacuees.... I can only imagine how it was very difficult for them, especially with losing their homes, everything, and even access to communication! My heart is for everyone who lost their homes, relatives and their possessions...

I told the crisis intervention professor about my project and she said "THAT is crisis intervention- you do not have to be there personally- but you can do what you CAN. And trust me, this is crisis intervention!" So- something new for me to learn- hands can touch each other throughout the miles.


Tuesday, September 06, 2005

The 17 Hurricane Deaf deaths- HOAX

Many folks have gotten the email of 17 Hurricane Deaf deaths but it's a Hoax. A lot of hysterical families called the Red Cross once they heard about the "deaths"

Gine Ruebush is ALIVE-she is at George R. Brown Convention Center at this point- her family is picking her up tomorrow.

Michel Holmes is alive with his mom- have been with her all the whole time.

Madeline Scott is alive in Houston, currently with friends.

Sterling Everidge was picked up from LSD -yesterday--and he's alive. His family has him now.

Billy Hick IS missing, not dead (not confirmed.)

Monroe Bowens is alive, currently working with post office in Houston.

Jerry Galloway is not dead- but his name is NOT on dead list, so he's not confirmed dead- just missing- his wife is looking for him in the dome.

James Smith- his fate unknown.

Martha Corway- her fate unknown.

Anne Farmer and Fran Hardy- are ALIVE- were last seen at the Astrodome- suspected of being sent out to a state as evacuees.

James Firmin is alive at the Astrodome.

Lenny Kaye- his fate unknown- but Red Cross is following up thinking that he may be at George R. Brown.

Same for Morrell English.

So if you get the hoax email- do NOT forward!!!!