Very vivid dream..... I have been mulling on this dream since I woke up this morning. I was hobbling with crutches down a street at night, with street lights lit to show old cars, newspapers there and here, a rat scurrying through trashcans... A man in a old raincoat came up to me, and said, "Name is Mister Djinn" (in this dream I could hear and speak.) I said "interesting name." and was preparing to walk past him when he said, "you know genies could give wishes?" I said, "Yeah, I heard about that." I was about to walk away when he said "If I am a real genie, what wish would you like to have, and it is only ONE wish." I looked at him, and said "any kind of wish?" He said "only one that affects YOU, and do not take from other people. An example would be wishing for money and you'd be rich, but your grandma might have been dead for that." Hmm. I looked at him and said "I'd wish that I hadn't been hit by that car on Oct 21st, 2005." He looked at me steadily and then said quietly, "Before granting that wish, I believe we will walk on the past path." Fog came up and envoloped us both... When fog faded away, I saw that we were in Duport Circle, under a lit street light about 200 feet away from Steve's car. Mister Djinn and I watched as Jessica entered the car in the back, and Steve bent in to clean out his car. I watched myself and Grace walking and chatting up the sidewalk, I was like "is this real?" It felt like I was watching myself... I saw the car coming up, but it missed me, but didn't miss Grace. She was hit hard, and she was thrown into two cars, and Jessica screamed her head off, as Steve and the past Julie rushed to Grace. Grace's eyes were open, and she made no motion. She waved her hand over Grace's face, and Grace did not respond. I watched stunned, as Julie checked Grace's pulse at neck, and Julie's hand withdrew trembling. She looked at Jessica, and said "I can't feel a pulse." The genie and I watched as Steve called 911, and cops and EMTs came. They put Grace in a body bag. It was all silent, the dark street, empty, when I looked at the djinn, and questioned, "Could I withdraw the wish?" He said, "yes." Fog covered us both, and next thing I knew, I was back on the street but by myself. I looked around, and wondered if it was a dream. I woke up, feeling it's an echo of a truth somewhere within me...
Written by Jules