Tuesday, May 08, 2012


I'm alive.  No worries on that.    Just that I don't have much time for this blog; I'm focusing on myself, with using  tools for self care (emotional, physically and mentally).   Funny, I find it very therapeutic to blog, just not with this one, but on one other blog.

I have learned a lot through this new struggle, including finding new vulnerabilities (hence recognizing triggers and developing boundaries), realizing how it is easily for some folks to judge without knowing the full truth (or not wanting to know, because, who knows...who'd really want to find out that they're wrong, after all?), and finding new strengths especially with real friends believing in her.  I'm still learning the new reality.

With that in mind, I'm taking a 'mini-vacation' from this blog.  When I feel more myself, I'll be returning.

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Lagging behind, who cares?

Things have been a lot of stressful for me since September to the point that I'm starting to wonder when it'd really HIT me big time.  Probably that minute I realize what would be missing after I wake up from surgery this month and for months and months, according to people who had experienced this, and psychologists (including my own). 

And I have to admit, it is harder for me to talk about anything without thinking, "I tried to be positive, and I'm frankly tired of being strong."  People tell me, "you'll feel better!" "You'll be happy when you don't have to deal with your periods anymore!"  "It's not the end of the world! Smile!"  or worse of all, "You can adopt!"

I did think about addressing this on this blog, and then decided against it.  Why?   Just my decision.    when I can, I will write about whateverso in this blog, and when I feel flunky or sad, pissed or confused, determined or 'you-screw-me, I-screw-you", I'll do that on the other blog that I'm working. So far I had written a surprising numbers of posts, which are still in draft, since I decided I will not publish them all right away- one post per week is sufficent, especially with me writing and then determining how/what to put in the post then.  Beside I'd need one post up when I'm gone away in the hospital for a week, anyway. 

That reminds me, I need to change my password for this blog(s) since it's old.  I don't want tweaking while I'm not around.