Monday, April 23, 2007


Yeah, that's what Morgan Pozgar, 13, typed in fifteen seconds to win $25,000 dollars on her sidekick (from the photo I could tell.) I have to wonder if there were any deaf participants in that contest! She said that she send out more than 8000 text messages to her family and friends- in which when I read that, I was thinking, "what is the average numbers of messages a deaf person would send out in a month? Do anyone in the deaf community use sidekick or blackberry pagers THAT much? I know I get and send about 500 messages a month, myself.

Check the link for yourself. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually, it is not sidekick by danger company. It is flip phone by different company (looks like nokia or samsung). It would be interesting to find out abt deaf participants. Well, we deafies who use sidekick usually send out *email*, not sms or txt msg (limited to 256 characters per msg). We do not have to rely on sms lingo such as c u l8r, wh r u, omg, nd 2 talk asap...etc. Kudos to Morgan!