Sunday, July 29, 2007

"That They Shall speak"

A relative found this among junk in her attic and thought I'd want it back. I was puzzled since I never saw this before, a yellowed poster. So I unrolled it and went *gasp!* I tried to get more information about this, where this was developed and what organization this was to represent but the family relatives clammed up. Keep it in mind, no one in the family WANTS to talk about the "failure." The failure as they see is the years and years of speech therapy, hearing aids, intensive tests and experimental surgery, etc yet I chose to sign in the end. So... I can't really blame 'em for feeling bitter, you know? I took photos of this poster with my SK2 so it's not in great shape. I'll spell out what the words are presented:

"Communication..... The One Priceless Gift
Coordinated program to meet physical, social, and emotional needs

..... That they shall speak."

Yeah, you see right, that kid is four or five years old, more than 30 years ago. When I realized it was ME, I asked myself, "And I was a spokesperson (child) for THIS organization that tells everyone that I can speak?" :::palm slapping my forehead:::


Squ65 said...

Awww -- A picture of you is sooo cute and ... innocent. Cross that out "speak" and add Sign!

You can make a new one and share this to the whole world! *sarcasm* lol bad me ...

Anonymous said...

Looks like it might be the AGBAD.

Or, This is an organization that used that specific term: Priceless gift.."

CREC Soundbridge

I feel bad that you had to deal with that. It does make me thankful that my parents didn't do that... Kind of.

But what's worse is your family doesn't accept you as you are. The same old story with hearing people with Deaf family members. :o(

Squ65 has a good thought- perhaps you could cross out "speak" and write in with a Sharpie Marker "SIGN" and frame it, put it up where your family can see it. See how that goes. :o)


Anonymous said...

Omigosh! Now you are a Super Hero! (adding you to Gary Brooks' list)... kidding aside, that must be a weird moment seeing that poster and wondering about your life and spiritual journey to where you are now. I believe many of us have gone through that at different points in our lives.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a poster that a school would put out...did you check your earliest school attended?

Anonymous said...

Despite your accomplishments in your lifetime especially with graduating with BA and entering into graduate program soon, your family do not recognize that. Perhaps, they are "disabled" in their own way.