Friday, September 21, 2007

Slang, secret words

I know there is so many slangs and code words that one need to catch up on! While on facebook, there is this nifty "Superpoke" application where I can "checkmate," "slap," "trout slap"..waitaminute...WHAT the hell is "trout slap!?" So, after I bugged a friend in defining some of those 'code words', he found me this nifty site. So I thought you can all learn and know what people talk about (and even catch them if they try to call you something and you'd KNOW what it means, instead of going "huh?") Here is the site, urbandictionary.

Thanks, Adam!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the website. Just love to learn new slangs and words. Delicious!!!

Word lover

drmzz said...

No trout slapping in my area. ;)

Anonymous said...

I wanted to know the exact same thing! so I posted it as a question using one of those nifty applications on facebook. But when I was googling "trout slap" i found many sites dedicated to it.. so I wonder if there is indeed another meaning...