Thursday, September 06, 2007

Several things I learned so far at Gallaudet

It has been three weeks now (ALREADY??!!) since I came here to Gallaudet University as a graduate student for the mental health graduate program. *****Whew***** Before I came here, I thought I was well prepared. How little I know! Here are ten items I found out, or learned from other fellow graduates.

10. Even when the car was packed to the ceiling, I didn't get to fill every single drawer or the closet. That tells me either I have a SMALL car or they know how much stuff students bring to dorms so they have those LARGE drawers and closets.

9. 'TME' means "Too many eyes" especially when you don't want anyone else to see what you're talking about, in the cafeteria (gossiping in other words.)

8. One television in each lounge isn't EVEN enough. (Especially for students who hadn't brought a TV.)

7. Better find a roommate immediately if the other is watching television all the night and you need your beauty sleep. Don't expect that it'd stop after you ASK him/her to stop that!

6. When you think you have an handle on your studying (rolling on floor laughing), think again. As it is, I had lost count of what chapters I need to read in which books for which classes on which days due for which assignments.... and trying to catch up. (Thank gods for the schedulebook/planner!) *note for future students: GET a damned planner!*

5. If you don't know what you're talking about in class, you're in trouble and the professors know it. In other words, READ. READ what is required and know what to talk about. Copying other students' comments are NOT so cool.

4. It's pretty nifty to see everyone sign where you look; however it's distracting esp if you are seeing someone telling a FANTASTIC story and not watching where you walk. So far I had bumped into two students and one staff. More than that, one could give me the nickname "Bumper Fender."

3. Even with two microwave cookbooks, I'm already tired of microwave food. The cafeteria food isn't so bad but... ::waving hands as in "you-know-what-I-mean":::::

2. You DO pick up on ASL. In just two weeks (really, three), my signing had been changing from PSE to ASL (as I noticed as a friend and I reviewed the video she took of me.) Good to pick up on signs in a deaf environment!

1. STUDY. There's several graduate students going out partying or hanging out so I even wonder when they EVER get to study or read books for classes! Yup, I do go out but not EVERY NIGHT. Make time to put your nose in the books! It's GRADUATE SCHOOL, you know!


Anonymous said...

Wonderful! Very refreshening! I giggled each time I read your 10's.

Anonymous said...

*LOL* Congrats.. You will be a wonderful counselor.. WIsh you good luck on your graduate courses.



Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading your ten items. ;)

Being graduate student again but taking online classes with different university, my experiences are not same, but interesting! :)

Anonymous said...

Keeping up with the reading is essential, regardless of where you are in school. But in grad school, as you no doubt know by now, it makes the difference between life and death.

Good luck with your program!